Wednesday, July 19, 2017

I Am A Mystic

I am a mystic.
I listen to your story, your struggles, your concern. I make suggestions, recommendations with compassion. I ask the questions that lead you to self-discovery. I ask the questions whose answers give you inspiration and motivation. You are ready. You are free. I feel it. I claim these experiences as being my soul’s connection.

I am a mystic.
I sit where the ocean meets the land and I become that meeting place. I marvel at the vicissitude of nature from the mountains to the grains of sand and I am a grain of sand. It is a connection that defies description. It is a feeling no words can explain. It is more than emotion. I make the connection because
I am a mystic.

I am a mystic.
I sit where the ocean meets the land and I become that meeting place. This time I am the ocean washing up on the shore, closer, closer until it is called back unto itself and I am a drop of the ocean in the ocean. It is I. The ocean and I are one. I feel the rush to the shore and the waves break, and they pull me back to where I began because I am a mystic.

I am a mystic.
At my core is the soul of a dancer; I am an artist, I am a choreographer, I am a mystic. I marvel at the mechanics of my body and I know that how it works is a blessing and a miracle.

Music makes me move.  I feel the flow, the rhythm, the cadence of it. Appreciating the grace, artistry and beauty of other dancers, feeling their movements, being with them in flight when they launch themselves into the air; the sensuality of body over body; knowing their thoughts at each moment of the movement; being ‘of it’ and ‘in it.’ I claim these experiences as being my soul’s connection.

For I am a mystic.

In my revelation that I am a mystic -
                               - all the question marks become exclamation points!

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