Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Moon Rise over Tecopa
As I was driving along the highway I saw a sign pointing to the left that read 'Tecopa'. Now, I am very familiar with the name Tecopa as it is synonymous with the hot springs I've heard so much about. I did not believe that this was where the sign was pointing, though, because Tecopa is in California and this is Nevada, right?
I had a great time at the Winery and as I was driving home, I saw the sign again and it intrigued me. California is the Bay Area or the beach to me, not out here in the middle of Nevada.
Somebody get me a map!
To my delight, I discovered the entire western coastline of Nevada is California. Well, duh!
The next weekend I emailed the folks at Tecopa and asked if I could visit and tour. We emailed back and forth, confirmed a visit, and I drove out to the Hot Springs.
A delightful woman runs the facility with her assistant. We toured the facility, talked about the different spaces, and then climbed the hill to the labyrinth. The view was spectacular. At that moment I decided that I would hold my first retreat here.
I walked the labyrinth that day and I felt the seven cycles seep into my soul and my chakras as they are meant to do. On the way back down the hill, she asked if I wanted to soak. I was afraid that because of the level of my consciousness at that point, I would melt away in the pools, so I declined.
Leaving the hot springs, I felt energized. I was incredibly excited and motivated. I came home and set off to creating a way to make this retreat happen! I hired a VA. I spoke to several friends about the program, the cost, the timing. I emailed the Hot Springs back and forth for the next month. I decided I needed to go out there again. I needed to meet with the restaurant owners in person to negotiate some food deals and I wanted to be immersed in that energy again.
It turns out that I had no time to hang out as I had to meet with various restaurateurs. Negotiated a great deal with the Bistro and I determined that the guy who runs Steaks and Beer and his partner are the best for dinner. Great spaces, great vibe. Both small and intimate indoors, beautiful surroundings outdoors. Secure in the knowledge that I had food for all my meals, breakfasts at the Bistro, dinners at Steaks and Beers, I would be on my way back home.
I realized that it was going to be dark soon. It was the night of the largest full moon of the year and I had planned to go to the Sophia Center Full Moon Gathering. As I said my good byes and got on the road, the sun was setting quickly. In a matter of minutes, I found myself surrounded by almost pitch darkness except beneath the streetlights, few and far between. Miles of darkness. Nothing in any direction. Nothing.
As I drove, I saw a light in the sky over the mountain. At first, I thought it might have been the light bouncing off the city of Pahrump. As it rose into the sky as a ball I realized that it was the moon! It was so bright and so intense I was almost instantly overwhelmed. I tried to keep my eyes on the road. This moon was HUGE, incredibly distracting, and rising RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES! I had never witnessed a moon rise. I have seen the sun rise and set, yet I had not ever seen the moon do the same.
And in a moment she shifted and bathed me in total luminescence. I could feel her energy boring through my windshield. There were points along the way where I had to put my sun visor down to be able to stay focused and on track to see where I was going. There were waves of energy passing over and through my body at intervals. I turned off my book, my radio. I was riding in silence. I could feel the stillness.
Occasionally, I had to make a conscious effort to keep my eyes on the road. She was mesmerizing. I would not fall under the spell of her intensity. I could not take my eyes off the road. I could feel her, though. Wave after wave of energy pulsing through my body. My body would shiver, my organs would vibrate. Her energy was powerful. The moon affects the tides and the ocean. Humans are 98% water. It is she, Mother Moon, who has her way with us.
As I finally approached the lights of the city, I breathed a sigh of relief. The intensity had subsided. The light was less intense. I could make it the rest of the way.
When I got home, I got out of my car and looked up at the moon for the last time that evening. We shared a moment. I thanked her for her energy. I was grateful to get home safe and sound.
And I knew that I would forever regard the moon differently.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
How will I know when I’m dead?
I have worked with some great people and I have rubbed shoulders with many of the world’s finest artists.
I have three sons, four grands and a slew of cousins. Most of the generation that preceded us is gone, so we are the elders of our generation.
I often think of that moment when I found out that my Mother died. As I pondered the meaning, with my still adolescent mind (although I was 21) I just cried. I knew I would miss her terribly and I just cried.
As an adult, I started to compare it to moving away and not seeing someone ever again. How is it different? I still feel the same way about the people I left when our family relocated from New Jersey to Pennsylvania. I was 7 years old. There are several whom I have not seen since. Have they died?
And when we break-up with a lover, often, except for traveling in the same circles, we cease to see that person ever again. We will or we won’t miss them, have they died?
How is it different?
Is it expectation? When a person dies, a lot of people are devastated because they won’t physically see that person again. When a person leaves, or moves, or is somehow permanently separated, in our mind we know that person still goes on. If it was any situation other than death, in our brain holds some belief that there’s a chance that we might ever see them again…regardless of the circumstances. In death, that belief is terminated.
Is it true?
How will I know if I am dead? Only man is conscious of thinking about what he is thinking about. Will I stop thinking? If I stop thinking, I won’t know that I’m not thinking and I won’t be aware that I am gone. What if my consciousness goes on? What if I just start thinking about other things instead? Maybe instead of how to pay that bill or get a new job, it's about how to get somebody’s energy higher using whatever my skills and talents are ‘on the other side.’ What if I become part of the greater consciousness of the earth – if you believe that there IS a greater consciousness? What if I become part of the Divine Energy of the planet – just the good stuff?
I have no answers, it is just a question that came to me this morning.
The Ship
I am standing on the seashore
A ship sails and spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
She is an object of beauty and I stand ther watching her till at last she fades on the horizon
And someone at my side says, ‘She is gone’
Gone where?
Gone from my sight, that is all.
She is just as large in the masts, hull and spurs as she was when I saw her
And just as able to bear her load of living freight to its destination
The diminished size, the total loss of sight is in me, not in her,
And just at the moment when someone at my side says, ‘She is gone’
There are others who are watching her coming and other voices take up the glad shout
'Here she comes'
And that is DYING.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
African American Aging
I teach skin care and cosmetic application. There are times when I’m at a pampering session with my beautiful African American Sistahs and begin talking about anti-aging, someone will inevitably blurt out, “Girl, you know black don’t crack.” At which time the entire table co-signs and says, “Girl, you know that’s right.” Followed by high five’s and that look that says, “So why do I need your products?”
They are correct. I’m proud to say that “Black don’t crack.” This is because of the amount of melanin our skin produces. Melanin is a sticky pigment produced by your skin that works like sunscreen, protecting the skin from UV rays. We have a natural protection. It’s like an ozone layer of our skin.” The lighter the skin, the less protection.
Another reason black skin ages so well is because we typically have a higher oil content and the sebaceous activity in our skin—meaning we have a natural skin hydration system that makes black skin look hydrated, smoother, and plumper.
Collagen is another factor. Black people don’t produce more, but the type of collagen black skin produces is less prone to the sun damage. “This might be one of the reasons signs of aging, like wrinkles, are delayed in darker skin,” This does NOT imply that sunscreen is NOT needed.
Black don’t crack, but signs of aging manifests in other ways: Darker skin is prone to discoloration, dark spots, and pigmentation such as melasma from sun exposure and hormonal effects; Keloid Scarring (scar tissue build up forming a lump); Hyper-pigmentation is very common in people with darker skin where many have the “Raccoon Effect” of dark under eye circles.
Our skin doesn’t crack, but the texture changes. That baby smooth soft skin becomes rough and bumpy especially on sun exposed areas (hence sunscreen). This is why exfoliation either with topical agents, chemical peels or microdermabrasion is key.
Black don’t crack, but it does eventually sag. As with everything in our body, as we age, our skin cells reproduce at a slower rate. New fresh skin doesn’t come to the surface as quickly. Collagen cells deplete and you lose volume. The face becomes hollow and sags. It’s most noticeable on the cheeks just under the cheek bone. It’s most prominent in the area between the nose and the outer corner of the mouth and in the neck and jawline.
So, why do you need my products, or any good skin care system other than Dove and Vaseline? You want a cleanser that will cleanse the impurities that your skin accumulated during the day. A sunscreen that will protect your skin from the harmful sun rays. An exfoliation that will remove the rough dry patches and restore your smooth baby soft skin. A serum/cream that will lighten the dark patches, and a good moisturizer for your specific skin type.
Nope. Black may not crack, but with the proper care we will forever bring sexy back.
Yes, I said that.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Love gives your courage
I Am A Mystic
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Mother's Day
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.