Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me!

As I open my eyes and savor this day, my birthday, I am happy to report that I am in good health, good spirits and blessed by good fortune. I am grateful for a supportive spouse, healthy sons, beautiful grandchildren (their wives contributions duly noted!) and thoughtful friends. Ironically, the last of my Mother’s sisters passed on this same week, yet the legacy continues. I am proud and happy of the bloodline from which I am wrought.

Today I celebrate the abundance of ordinary miracles that are happening all around me. I smell the flowers, I hear the birds chirping from the trees, I touch the soft fur of my dog, and I see the sun shine!

And I say, thank you for this day, another day. And a special thank you to my friends, those who live and those who have passed on, and anyone who has ever crossed my path because each of you has brought me or taught me something. You have all contributed to this life that is my life right here and right now.

Today is my gift, today is my present.